6 Creative Ways to Use Rewarded Video Ads to Lift User Engagement

6 Creative Ways to Use Rewarded Video Ads to Lift User Engagement

“6 Creative Ways to Use Rewarded Video Ads to Lift User Engagement” as a reader, you may ask “why 6”? … I don’t have any specific reason to be frank about it. But I want to talk about creative ways of monetizing your site …

Rewarded video ads are becoming a staple in both mobile and web games. Unlike traditional ads, they offer a unique way to enhance the user experience. By watching a short video, players earn valuable in-game rewards, making these ads a win-win for both users and developers. Users feel more engaged and motivated to play, while developers benefit from increased ad revenue. This blog will explore creative strategies to use rewarded video ads to boost user engagement, enhance retention, and create a balanced monetization strategy.

  1. Offer In-Game Boosts and Power-Ups

Rewarded video ads provide a simple yet powerful way to offer in-game boosts, such as extra lives, power-ups, or resources. This method works especially well in games where users face difficult levels or challenges. By offering a reward in exchange for watching a video ad, players feel like they are getting something of value without directly spending money. This not only increases satisfaction but also keeps them coming back for more.

Psychologically, players perceive these rewards as bonuses, making them more likely to continue playing. It taps into the concept of “reciprocity”—users feel rewarded, which enhances their emotional connection to the game. For example, “Candy Crush” offers extra moves to players who watch a rewarded ad. This strategy keeps players hooked, reducing churn and improving retention rates. The key is to offer boosts that are helpful but not game-breaking, maintaining the game’s balance and fairness. Next on the List of “Creative Ways to Use Rewarded Video Ads to Lift User Engagement” is “unlocking exclusive content”

  1. Unlock Exclusive Content or Levels

One of the most engaging uses of rewarded video ads is unlocking exclusive content, levels, or features. Players love the idea of getting something unique that adds value to their gameplay. Offering such exclusive content can create a sense of excitement and exclusivity, which is a powerful motivator for continued engagement. When players know they can access unique levels or characters by watching ads, they are more inclined to do so.

This strategy is particularly effective in games where content is a major driver of engagement, such as narrative-based games, RPGs, or character-driven adventures. For example, a puzzle game could offer a “secret level” that is only accessible after watching an ad. Similarly, a character-based game could provide special skins or abilities. This approach not only increases ad views but also enhances the overall user experience, making the game more appealing.

  1. Provide Double Rewards or Bonuses

Who doesn’t love getting double rewards? Apps can use rewarded video ads to give users the option to double their earned rewards, such as coins, points, or other in-game currencies. This strategy is particularly effective after a player completes a level, wins a battle, or achieves a milestone. By doubling rewards, players feel like their efforts are being amplified, which can increase their sense of accomplishment and encourage further gameplay.

This strategy creates a positive feedback loop—users are motivated to play more to earn more, while developers gain additional ad revenue from increased ad views. Games like “idle” or “clicker” games frequently use this approach. These games thrive on keeping players engaged for longer sessions, making double rewards a natural fit. The key is to find a balance that makes the offer appealing without disrupting the game’s economy or difficulty curve. Next on “Creative Ways to Use Rewarded Video Ads to Lift User Engagement’ is encouraging social sharing ..

  1. Encourage Social Sharing and Referrals

Rewarded video ads can also be combined with social sharing features or referral programs. This tactic not only increases user engagement but also helps in acquiring new users organically. When players share their achievements or refer friends to the game in exchange for rewards, it creates a network effect. Current users are motivated to share more because of the extra benefits, and new users get intrigued by the game due to the organic word-of-mouth promotion.

For example, a game might encourage players to share a high score on social media by offering in-game rewards for doing so. Alternatively, users could receive extra bonuses for referring friends who download the game and watch a certain number of ads. This method leverages the social nature of gaming, turning it into a powerful tool for both engagement and growth.

  1. Enhance Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs are another excellent way to integrate rewarded video ads. A well-structured loyalty program can keep users engaged over the long term. By incorporating rewarded ads into these programs, developers can further boost user retention. For instance, a loyalty program could include daily, weekly, or monthly challenges that require users to watch a certain number of ads to receive special rewards.

Combining rewarded ads with a loyalty program can significantly increase user lifetime value. Users feel they are constantly working toward a goal, which keeps them coming back. For example, a game could offer a unique item or a substantial amount of in-game currency for watching 10 ads within a week. This encourages consistent engagement, as users don’t want to miss out on the special reward. Last but not least on the 6 Creative Ways to Use Rewarded Video Ads to Lift User Engagement, is user experaince.

  1. Optimize Ad Placement for User Experience

While rewarded video ads can be highly effective, their placement within the game is crucial. Poorly placed ads can disrupt the user experience and lead to frustration, potentially driving users away. The goal is to integrate ads seamlessly so they appear at natural breaks in gameplay. Ideal moments include after completing a level, achieving a milestone, or during loading screens. This approach ensures ads do not feel intrusive but rather part of the overall game flow.

Thoughtful placement of rewarded video ads helps maintain a balance between monetization and user experience. When players encounter ads at the right moments, they are more likely to view them positively and engage with them willingly. Developers should experiment with different placements to find the optimal spots that maximize ad views without sacrificing user satisfaction.

AppLixir Rewarded Video Ad

Rewarded video ads provide creative and engaging ways to boost user engagement in mobile and web games. From offering in-game boosts and unlocking exclusive content to enhancing loyalty programs and optimizing ad placement, these strategies can significantly enhance the user experience. They also help in maintaining a healthy balance between user satisfaction and monetization.

As a developer or game designer, experimenting with these strategies can help you discover what resonates most with your audience. Start integrating these rewarded ad strategies into your games to drive engagement, increase retention, and monetize more effectively without compromising on the user experience.